Den 63-årige kurdiske læge Ibrahim Gardy har cyklet fra London til Hewlêr.

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Den 63-årige læge Ibrahim Mohammad Gardy, kendt som Dr. Heval blandt vennerne, er angiveligvis den første kurder, der har gennemført en cykeltur fra den britiske hovedstad London til Hewlêr (Erbil), hovedstad i irakisk Kurdistan. I bil ville det svare til næsten 5000 kilometer.

Det skriver SBS Kurdish

Rejsen tog Gardy over to måneder og forløb efter sigende uden problemer. Formålet med turen var ifølge den kurdiske læge “at fremme sund levevis og motion, især cykling, blandt kurderne.”

Dr. Heval har dokumenteret sin rejse på sin Instagram-side.

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Day 48. Shared breakfast again this morning with my friend the seagull (see yesterday). I had booked myself a free walking tour in Istanbul at 10:40 today so I walked to the meeting point, which was about a 30 minute walk away in front of Sultan Ahmed fountain. About 12 of us were on the tour, the tour leader was a nice lady from Istanbul who taught us all about the history of Turkey. She showed the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Hagia Sophia church, the old Turkish hamam and Madrassa. We stopped at the Caferağa Medresseh where we had our break and some refreshments. Whilst there I ran into the French couple who were walking to Asfahan in Iran and we had a quick catch up. After the tour on my way back to the hotel I had a sandwich and went back to my room for a much needed 2 hour nap. I then met up again with my cousin Sardar and we went out for drinks and some snacks. I finally managed to sort out my Garmin with the help of the hotel manager. At around 7pm I cleared up my room and checked out of the hotel however my cousin did not allow me to pay for my 2 night stay. I loaded my bike and went to a tube station and took the train to his apartment which was in the Asian part of Istanbul, 40 km away from the city centre. Upon arrival we went to a bar and enjoyed a few more drinks where his friends joined us. Around 11:30 my cousin took me to a luxurious studio flat to stay the night and we planned to meet at 8am for breakfast and go to the tube station and take a train for another 6 km to get out of Istanbul and then cycle along the beach going south east towards Ankara.

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